marți, 18 martie 2008
Grigor Tateviants and Tatev University
Grigor Tatevatsy was one of the famous figures of mediaval Armenia. He was born in 1346 in Vayits-Dzor where spent his childhood. He began to study under Hovhan Vorotnetsy in 1370. Together with the latter, Tatevatsy went to Jerusalem and it was Vorotnetsy who ordained him archimandrite in the district of Daranaghy in 1373.After Ovhan Vorotnetsy death, his talented student and collogue, Grigor Tatevatsy became the director of Tatev University, who owing to his extraordinary abilities was on e of the obvious organizers of Armenian schooling, when still his teacher was alive.At the situationof gloomy politic and ruined-economy, it was clear, Tatev University couldn't be in a good condition.There was a lot of evidence about it in the handbooks. The condition of the University got the worst after the death of director O.Vorotnetsy. Invading Syunik lands, Lanktamur bands began to kill people mercilessly, robbed and ruined, captivated women, old men and children. Tatev University's future existence was becoming impossible. Orbelyans, who were sponsoring and supporting the university, now had to care about their life. Epidemic of various illnesses were raging over the country, starvation was killing people, Being pursued Tatev Students were wandering here and there, always intemperate from parchment manuscript. A brave, diplomat strong-willing person was needed to be able to gather the dispersed lectures and students Grigor Tatevatsy's Vorotnetsy's clever student became the expected individual. A rather large amount of information was safe in the originals, but nothing is clear about the place and when he was born. Tatevatsy was talented, had rich knowledge skilled speech, with strong character. He was one of the differently educated people, very well informed and skilled person not only in philosophical, divinity, natural, pedagogical and generally called inter-sciences, also painting and music.It is worth mentioning that Tatevatsy was one of the medieval authors, who was described and praised so prodigally from the scientists. At first he gained those testimonies for organizing the university after H. Vorotnetsy death in the condition of Lanktamur bands invasion, and could continue and enlarge his fruitful scientific-pedagogical activity. Gr. Tatevatsy was one of the famous faces in the XIV-XV centuries, and generally in the Armenian medieval teaching science. He had an idea, which was new in Armenia, and also internationally developed educational history for the period he lived in. Tatevatsy wrote the work of "Constitution of Tutored", which was an unique occurrence in the Armenian medieval teaching literature. He had many disturbing questions about the modern life and tried to solve those questions in the way of tutoring. At the aspect teaching Tatevatsy's idea was most valuable, which was about organizing the educational and tutoring affairs according to the children's age and mental ability. So the educational material must be correspondent to the children's capacity and ability, also the tutorial problems and requirements must mostly be correspondent with the children's mental and spiritual ability. The principle of accessibility in Tatevatsy's pedagogical idea was most visible and he always used them. In most accessions Tatevatsy speaks about the most variable human vices and opposes his registration about kind and virtuous properties. Many medieval Christian morals have the same idea and preached the same rules, but Tatevatsy is different, taught, followed and fulfilled his knowledge and moral-tutorial rules with people.On Tatevatsy's opinion people create tutoring as "strength" for keeping human soul clean, for obstructing the evil but as a strong way to sow kind properties.Gr. Tatevatsy was one of the most fruitful philosophers of medieval Armenia. He left many comprehensive works, which were including almost all the fields of philosophical knowledge in the period. For characterizing his ideology the most important works are "Girq Hartsmants" (Question Book, finished in 1397), "Qaroz Girq" (Preachment Book, finished in 1407), "Voskeporik", the commentaries of Aristotle, Porphyry, David Anhaght works and etc.It is worth mentioning the divinity doesn't have a small place in Tatevatsy's work, a thing that was thoroughly natural and inevitable for medieval scientists and philosophers. Gr. Tatevatsy pronounced social-political unique idea advanced also for his period. In his capacious works he left remarkable analysis about social-economic occurrences: the produce of material goods and the particularities of their creation especially are valuable for the history of economic thoughts. Tatevatsy has remarkable thesis and observations about concepts of value, price and profit. The famous scientist was also a graceful poet. Tatevatsy was presented as the greatest representative of Tatev paintings. He was a notable specialist also in writing and music art and played a large role in the development and completeness of there theory.Grigor Tatevatsy began his work as a scribe. Numerous manuscripts have survived with colophons written by him. However, his name as an illuminator is mentioned only once, in the Gospel illustrated ar the tatev Monastery in the year 1378. The Gospel was copied in 1297 in Eghegis, the "glorified capital" of Syunik. The Scribe of the Gospel, Hovhan,, excuted khorans (canon tables) and marginal illustrations in the same year. Simple plant and geometic designs prevail in the canon tables. In 1378, some one hundred years after its creation, the priest Sargis sent the manuscripts to the Tatev Monastery to be restored and illustrated by the illuminator Grigor.The following miniature were painted at the same time: portraits of the four evangelists, titlepages and five thematic miniatures: the "Annuncation", " Nativity", "Entry into Jerusalem", "Crucifixion" and "Virgin and Child". The identity of the painter of these miniatures becomes clear from the colophon around the bay in the "Annuncation". The colophon clearly states that the paiunter is Grigor, a student of Hovhan Vorotnetsy. The colophons surviving, as well as general features of the miniatures, created in 1378, served as the basis for art historians to make the statement that all the miniatures made that year had been done by one and the same master, Grigor Tatevatsy. There are, however, certain stylistic differences, which suggest that yet another master, probably a student of Grigor Tatevatsy, also took part in the illumination of the manuscripts. In those miniatures Grigor Tataevatsy's influence is so strong that, at first glance, all Christological miniature paintings are taken as the work of one artist.Taking the miniature the "Annuncation" created by Grigor Tatevatsy as a basis, we come to the conclusion that the portraits of the evangelists, the titlepages and the miniatures the "annuncation", "Nativity" have been created by Grigor Tatevatsy; the other three miniatures: Entry into Jerusalem", "Crucifixion" and the "Virgin and Child" by the student.Esential differences which permit speaking of two painters and dividing the miniatures of the manuscript into two groups are expressed, by differences in ways of thinking, concepts and interpretation of form. In Grigor Tatevatsy's works, the figures, expecially those of the "Annuncation", are monumental and to a certain extent, dimonsenial. The folds of the garments are treated by means of colour, emphasizing the harmony and proportions of the body. The face is drawn with a sure, precise hand. As the second painter, his drawings are somewhat weaker and that is especially seen in the figure of the Virgin (in the "Virgin and Child" and "ceucifixion"). The execution of the figures is also not successful; theya re rather stocky and not so proportional. Flatness is stressed and is especially expressed in the folds of the garment; they are stiff and not at the flexible.The compositional stucture of the page itself is also expressed by the differences in these two groups of miniatures. In the first group, (the portriats of the evangelists, the "Annuncation" and "Nativity"), the composition is encircled by homogenous ornamental frames. In the second group ("Entry into Jerusalem", Crucifixion:, "Virgin and Child"), there is no frame. On eof two sides of the composition have no ornamental frame decorations. It seems as if the painter, by means of this device, wants to free the picture of limiting borders, thus increasing the dimensional possibilities of the miniature.The miniatures also differ in their colour-range. Grigor Tatevatsy preferrd dark shades of blue, brown, red and ochre; while the second painter preferred lighter shades. It must be said that the latter is professionally inferior to Grigor Tatevatsy. The above-stated differences do not refute the presence of features common to both groups of miniatures, which were apparently conditioned by the commo aim placed before the painters. They tried to give the manuscript a complete effect, and so the student, in fulfilling this task, endeavoured to imtate his talented master and sometimes even meticulously copied his interpretation of imagesm harmony of colour and ornamens.The more beautiful miniature of the manuscript is the "Annuncation", where Grigor Tatevatsy's talent, his great imaginative powers and originality are brilliantly expressed. (It is not at all incidental that he placed his signatutre on tgis miniature).The "Annuncation" is depicted within a closed ornamental frame and the composition is well balanced. Its focal point is the small bay is which there is a jug of water. There are decorative arches to the left an fthe right of the bays. The figures are placed against an ornamental background, which give the composition balnce. The background, entirely covered with geometric and plant designs, depries the miniature of death. This lack is the reason why it seems as though the figures do not have sufficient space. This device stresses the monumentalism of the figures.The image of Mary is quite espressive. Her features, face, eyes and especially thick eyebrows uniting over her nose, form an unusual arch, emphasizing the Armenian woman's ethnic type.The angel and Mary are bound by the same action but they represent different emotional states, revealed also by menas of the colouring of the miniture. Warm red and yellow prevail in the clothing of the angel bearing happy tidings; while in Mary's garmant, the combination of cold blue and deep violet shows her contradictory feelings, that of joy and deep concern. Grat skill is displayed in depicting the figures, their gestures, and their movements. Somewhat elongated figures are remarkable for their shapeliness and proportions. Both the Virgin and the Archangel are distinguished by their grandeur and beauty. It is appropriate here to recall the definition of beauty given by Grigor tatevatsy, which is in consonance with the images created by him. "one should know that the beauty of the image becomes similar to that of the prototype revealed in three-fold manner:first in the proportionality of form; second in the balance of the parts, and third in proper radinece. Gr. Tatevatsy was one of the most convex representatives of medieval Armenian science, who with his work denominated all created values of Armenian scientific thoughts in the developed feudal age. The unsteady political condition of the country, the barbarity of Lanktamur bands, overall poverty and starvation made a desperate situation for Gr. Tatevatsy and his students. Avoiding the frequent persecution of conquerors he had to often change the school place. They had also been to Vorotnavanq (1386), and even to the Shahaponq castle (1387).In 1391 Tatevatsy again nestled in Aprakunyants monastery of Yernjak, but here also he had settled down in Tatev, with the invitation of prince Smbat Orbelyan. According to the above-mentioned evidence, a conclusion must be made that the conditions in Tatev were more favorable and the director enlarged his activities.But it is worth mentioning, that in the years when Tatevatsy was an inspector, unfortunately the condition of already separated and the belittled prince's houses was worse in Syunik:Though no more having the previous position and capacity, the representatives of the Burtelyan, branch of once powerful Orbelyan family did all they could to defend and support financially Tatev University. At the end of XIV century Tatev and some neighbor villages were still under the control of Smbat, the grandson of Grand Burtel, and Gr. Tatevatsy often asked him for help in urge of need. So in 1390 when overall starvation was broken out in Syunik the principle went to place of Orbelyan to Smbat price, the son of Ivane, the grandson of Burtel for an organization of support for the students of Tatev University.The period between Gr.Tatevatsy consolidation in Tatev and his death is considered the most fruitful, blooming time in University activity (1343-1409). The fame of Tatev School was so big, that from everywhere studious students were eager to go there. Most of University students spoke proudly about being taught of Tatevatsy, they were educated and brought up under his control. The contemporaries decided the people education degree in comparison with Tatev School and many virtues were to the name of Tatevatsy . He had an authority in the political, social and religion life of the country. Because of the political and economical hardships of the country Tatevatsy had to leave Tatev and went to Metzopa monastery in Archesh, So the mobile life of Tatev University was repeating itself, and this time the whole institution more than 100 students had to move.At the beginnings of 1409, Tatevatsy nestled in Metzop again, from where after years owing to the support of his nephew and his well-deserved student Araqel Syunetsy bishop and others he returned to Tatev.On the 27-th of December in 1409 about a month after coming back to Tatev, the famous director Gr. Tatevatsy died.For the purpose of etemalizing the bright memory of the Tatevatsy, a group of people from the village of Brnakot in Syunik Tzghuk region under Hovakim bishop Syunetsy control built a mausoleum on his dust concluded in the hall of Tatev big temple in 1787. In a large inscription dug on the mausoleum Tatevatsy is called "seven-light principle", "second gold speaker", "blissful teacher", "the forth instructor" and other epithets.For the honor of Tatevatsy before he died in 1401 Araqel Syunetsy built a stone cross .
Text is based on two sources: Armenian Miniature, compiled by Alvida Mirzoyan, Yerevan, 1987, pp. 30–32, A. Gzoyan, Tatev University, Yeravan, 2003, pp. 15–19, 34–39, translated by Lusine Harutyunyan,proof-read by Charlie Ihrke (Peace Corp volunteer)
Brief information about Tatev Monastery complex
Where an opened area is made by the edges of the mountain chain, a rocky peninsula extended triangularly on a deep precipice. To the addition of the natural miracle a handiwork wonder was done: the famous Tatev monastery was built hereas an unique architectural column, as a torch of separating the light of science and literacy in the obscurity: as an unknown historian pronounced himself.
In X century, having 500 friars and being full of Philisophers and hymns, Tatev monastery became not only a place of prayer, also the heart of cultural, artistic, crafts and scientific development, whose fire didn't die for more than a half millennium.
Tatev monastery is situated South of Goris, on the height of a triangle peninsula upon the bank of River Vorotan. The site of the monastery is flat, and it is bordered with high mountains from the West and East.
There were paganism buildings in that highland in period, BC, and in IV-V centuries, AD, A simple church was in use an inaccessible position gave great advantage. The meaning of Tatev church gradually increased and at the second period of VIII century it became Syunik bishop's center.
At the time, in 895, Tatev monastery was established, and later it became famous. It was the principal among 48 churches in Syunik Kingdom, and one of the biggest Christian centers that had a great influence on holy feudalism in Armenia.
The building of Tatev monastery with its temples, ramparts and auxiliary buildings, as a complete complex, took dozens of years and a lot of work.
The monastery is bordered with ramparts and in the middle of it St. Paul and St. Peter church stands.
In 895 Hovhannes bishop with help and protection of Syuniants Grand Prince Ashot and his wife Shushan, destroyed the old church and built a new one in place of it. He took the fragments of Paul and Peter and again conluded them into the walls of the newly built church, because of it the big temple was named "Paul and Peter". The building of it lasted 11 years. It is a typical basilice (a building style, that inner is twice seperated with two coloumns) which is enriched with some new features. The notable height of the cathedral increases the influence of its terse style.
Smooth, without superflous details, the front parts of the temple are decorated with human pictures, that turn into snake heads, as a patron of Armenian family.
The walls of the temple are made with large-size basaltic stones cultivated regularly. The temple has six windows; four of them are on the northern wall. When the built was over in 930, the inner surface of the church was covered with great art fiascos, and both Armenian and foreign painters worked on them, costing the monastery large sums of money. Though today they are mostly ruined, they made an unforgettable impression on people. "Jesus surrounded with prophets and saints" is represented on the altar apse. "Terrible Court" is ornamated on the western wall and the "Birth of Christ" on the northern wall. The church-tower was built adjacent to the Western brow of the church, which, in spite of simple images of the church, is covered with ornoments.
In the southern wall of St. Paul and Peter church a door is opened in front of it famous philosopher Grigor Tateviants is buried, a small chapel stands on his grave with three columns in 1787.
In the East of the same southern side St. Grigor Illuminator church was built. It is smaller and has a simple style: it is alone, without column, and khorans (canon table), only on the both northern and southern wall there are three false columns, which the arches are crutched to, holding inclined tiling. Its decoration is rather poor, the portal is decorated with lacy geometrical ornoments. The architects, who built the church, refused to stand cupola, as it would turn the people's attention from the cupola of the main church. In the south of St.Grigor Illuminator church was the gallery with arched aperture. perhaps, the university was in this part.
The stand out apse is in the East where the holy table stands; there are cross-windows and a round one up to it. There are 2 board windows and close by two narrows ones on thesouthern wall. The church was built in 848 and the final renewing was done in 1295.
Far from St. Paul and St. Peter church in the northern part of the monastery close by the rampart small St. Virgin church is; a beautiful high observatory. It is two-floored building: the first floor is arched and roofed, and the second one is copulated and is bordered with pillar-hall. It is made of holy-chapped stones, has simple inner style, without cells.
The downstairs of the church is larger than the upstairs, and was used as a mausoleum. A stony ladder was made near its western wall, which lead upstairs.
During the Earthquake in 1931, like other churches, the St. Virgin was also ruined, but it has been renewed since 1974.
Among Tatev monastery complex famous monument-obelisk (column) "Gavazan Syun" awarded to St. Triplet has its special place. It is considered one of the Armenian Eight miracles. "Gavazan Syun" is standing in the North of St. Paul and Peter church and represents itself an architectural pretty creation, and it is also considered as an unique creation of Armenian engineering, which was built in 906 after the building of the main temple was completed. The column is made of lime and stone and faced with holy-chipped stones. It has eight-seat, and the length of each one is 2.88 meters and the height is 9 meters. "Gavazan'" is crutched to double-degree, also eight sections pedestal. About in the middle turgid, narrow belts border it. About up in 6.5 meters height the trunk is crowned with khoyakner; which carries a dfvd decorated with roses. Next cross-stones with simple decoration standat a height of 1.05 meters, ornated in a circle. There is Khachqar with slot ornoments on the top of it.
When the column is pulled either from the up or the down it was brandished on the ground and again it returned to its vertical position. The monolithic of its mass faced with little stones is gained owing to the excellent high quality of lime concrete, which forms the pith, and because of it any movement didn't disturb the general stability of "Gavazan"
Under the ramparts inner surroundings of the monastery, more late in XVII-XVIII centuries, different secular buildings were built: some of the better known are those in the southern part. The flat of Abbot, some cells for the monks were in the part, where the walls are the direct continuity of Tatev canyon and the verandah was hung up over the deep canyon and no human foot could climb up from the canyon collapse.
Besides dwelling rooms, there was also writing-house, teacher's-room, school, bathroom and a great number of production buildings: workshops, reserves, and etc. The dining room was also famous building, where there were stony long tables and benches. The barnyard and the hayloft of the monastery were near the villages and now are ruined.
The oil-mill was out of the monastery rampart.
Tatev monastery was a holy-feudal organization. It has 26 thousand desyatin lands in Tatev, Shinuhayr, in Shivan canyon, and in other villages in Syunik. According to the notes of S. Orbelyan historian, still in the X century Hamaspuhin, the daughter of Syuniants Babken Prince, presented Halidzor to Tatev monastery and it was its property untill the XIX century.
So at a short time the monastery obtained large properties. The peasants of the properties and villages were the monastery slaves and were exploited furiously.
In the X century to enlarge its domination the monastery made the neighbored villages disport. At the time the peasants were over totaled and darted off the monastery, especially the Tsuraberdiants (Svarants) in 910, and seized the monastery, killed some monks and the others were thrown down the canyon.
At the end of the X century during another rebellion, the bishop was also killed. The rebellion was pressed roughly: the secular feudalist supported the holy ones; they killed ruthlessly, the villagers were deported, the villages were destroyed.
However, there were studious clergymen in Tatev monastery. They created teachers-house, preceptor-house and writing-house. Many manuscripts were collected and saved carefully, which were presented from different parts of Armenia. At the same time the master writers and painters copied out the manuscrifts.
In IX-XIII centuries there was a preceptor-house (Academy) in the monastery, and matenadaran in the school. Tatev monastery had 10000 manuscripts. Among the old and new schools, Tatev University was famous in the XIV-XV centuries and it was Gladzor University Continuous and worthy heir.
B. Harutyunyan
translated by Lusine Harutyunyan
proof-read by Charlie Ihrke (Peace Corp volunteer)
In X century, having 500 friars and being full of Philisophers and hymns, Tatev monastery became not only a place of prayer, also the heart of cultural, artistic, crafts and scientific development, whose fire didn't die for more than a half millennium.
Tatev monastery is situated South of Goris, on the height of a triangle peninsula upon the bank of River Vorotan. The site of the monastery is flat, and it is bordered with high mountains from the West and East.
There were paganism buildings in that highland in period, BC, and in IV-V centuries, AD, A simple church was in use an inaccessible position gave great advantage. The meaning of Tatev church gradually increased and at the second period of VIII century it became Syunik bishop's center.
At the time, in 895, Tatev monastery was established, and later it became famous. It was the principal among 48 churches in Syunik Kingdom, and one of the biggest Christian centers that had a great influence on holy feudalism in Armenia.
The building of Tatev monastery with its temples, ramparts and auxiliary buildings, as a complete complex, took dozens of years and a lot of work.
The monastery is bordered with ramparts and in the middle of it St. Paul and St. Peter church stands.
In 895 Hovhannes bishop with help and protection of Syuniants Grand Prince Ashot and his wife Shushan, destroyed the old church and built a new one in place of it. He took the fragments of Paul and Peter and again conluded them into the walls of the newly built church, because of it the big temple was named "Paul and Peter". The building of it lasted 11 years. It is a typical basilice (a building style, that inner is twice seperated with two coloumns) which is enriched with some new features. The notable height of the cathedral increases the influence of its terse style.
Smooth, without superflous details, the front parts of the temple are decorated with human pictures, that turn into snake heads, as a patron of Armenian family.
The walls of the temple are made with large-size basaltic stones cultivated regularly. The temple has six windows; four of them are on the northern wall. When the built was over in 930, the inner surface of the church was covered with great art fiascos, and both Armenian and foreign painters worked on them, costing the monastery large sums of money. Though today they are mostly ruined, they made an unforgettable impression on people. "Jesus surrounded with prophets and saints" is represented on the altar apse. "Terrible Court" is ornamated on the western wall and the "Birth of Christ" on the northern wall. The church-tower was built adjacent to the Western brow of the church, which, in spite of simple images of the church, is covered with ornoments.
In the southern wall of St. Paul and Peter church a door is opened in front of it famous philosopher Grigor Tateviants is buried, a small chapel stands on his grave with three columns in 1787.
In the East of the same southern side St. Grigor Illuminator church was built. It is smaller and has a simple style: it is alone, without column, and khorans (canon table), only on the both northern and southern wall there are three false columns, which the arches are crutched to, holding inclined tiling. Its decoration is rather poor, the portal is decorated with lacy geometrical ornoments. The architects, who built the church, refused to stand cupola, as it would turn the people's attention from the cupola of the main church. In the south of St.Grigor Illuminator church was the gallery with arched aperture. perhaps, the university was in this part.
The stand out apse is in the East where the holy table stands; there are cross-windows and a round one up to it. There are 2 board windows and close by two narrows ones on thesouthern wall. The church was built in 848 and the final renewing was done in 1295.
Far from St. Paul and St. Peter church in the northern part of the monastery close by the rampart small St. Virgin church is; a beautiful high observatory. It is two-floored building: the first floor is arched and roofed, and the second one is copulated and is bordered with pillar-hall. It is made of holy-chapped stones, has simple inner style, without cells.
The downstairs of the church is larger than the upstairs, and was used as a mausoleum. A stony ladder was made near its western wall, which lead upstairs.
During the Earthquake in 1931, like other churches, the St. Virgin was also ruined, but it has been renewed since 1974.
Among Tatev monastery complex famous monument-obelisk (column) "Gavazan Syun" awarded to St. Triplet has its special place. It is considered one of the Armenian Eight miracles. "Gavazan Syun" is standing in the North of St. Paul and Peter church and represents itself an architectural pretty creation, and it is also considered as an unique creation of Armenian engineering, which was built in 906 after the building of the main temple was completed. The column is made of lime and stone and faced with holy-chipped stones. It has eight-seat, and the length of each one is 2.88 meters and the height is 9 meters. "Gavazan'" is crutched to double-degree, also eight sections pedestal. About in the middle turgid, narrow belts border it. About up in 6.5 meters height the trunk is crowned with khoyakner; which carries a dfvd decorated with roses. Next cross-stones with simple decoration standat a height of 1.05 meters, ornated in a circle. There is Khachqar with slot ornoments on the top of it.
When the column is pulled either from the up or the down it was brandished on the ground and again it returned to its vertical position. The monolithic of its mass faced with little stones is gained owing to the excellent high quality of lime concrete, which forms the pith, and because of it any movement didn't disturb the general stability of "Gavazan"
Under the ramparts inner surroundings of the monastery, more late in XVII-XVIII centuries, different secular buildings were built: some of the better known are those in the southern part. The flat of Abbot, some cells for the monks were in the part, where the walls are the direct continuity of Tatev canyon and the verandah was hung up over the deep canyon and no human foot could climb up from the canyon collapse.
Besides dwelling rooms, there was also writing-house, teacher's-room, school, bathroom and a great number of production buildings: workshops, reserves, and etc. The dining room was also famous building, where there were stony long tables and benches. The barnyard and the hayloft of the monastery were near the villages and now are ruined.
The oil-mill was out of the monastery rampart.
Tatev monastery was a holy-feudal organization. It has 26 thousand desyatin lands in Tatev, Shinuhayr, in Shivan canyon, and in other villages in Syunik. According to the notes of S. Orbelyan historian, still in the X century Hamaspuhin, the daughter of Syuniants Babken Prince, presented Halidzor to Tatev monastery and it was its property untill the XIX century.
So at a short time the monastery obtained large properties. The peasants of the properties and villages were the monastery slaves and were exploited furiously.
In the X century to enlarge its domination the monastery made the neighbored villages disport. At the time the peasants were over totaled and darted off the monastery, especially the Tsuraberdiants (Svarants) in 910, and seized the monastery, killed some monks and the others were thrown down the canyon.
At the end of the X century during another rebellion, the bishop was also killed. The rebellion was pressed roughly: the secular feudalist supported the holy ones; they killed ruthlessly, the villagers were deported, the villages were destroyed.
However, there were studious clergymen in Tatev monastery. They created teachers-house, preceptor-house and writing-house. Many manuscripts were collected and saved carefully, which were presented from different parts of Armenia. At the same time the master writers and painters copied out the manuscrifts.
In IX-XIII centuries there was a preceptor-house (Academy) in the monastery, and matenadaran in the school. Tatev monastery had 10000 manuscripts. Among the old and new schools, Tatev University was famous in the XIV-XV centuries and it was Gladzor University Continuous and worthy heir.
B. Harutyunyan
translated by Lusine Harutyunyan
proof-read by Charlie Ihrke (Peace Corp volunteer)
Sa nu-l uitam pe Lucian Blaga
ti-s ochii-asa de negri incat seara
cand stau cu culcat cu capu-n poala ta
imi pare,
ca ochii tai, adanci, sunt izvorul
din care tainic curge noaptea peste vai
si peste munti si peste sesuri,
acoperind pamantul
c-o mare de-ntuneric.
Asa-s de negri ochii tai
lumina mea.
Lucian Blaga
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