vineri, 29 februarie 2008
Vrajitorul cruzimii. Vladimir Nabokov - tristete, exil ...

Într-un interviu, Vl. Nabokov a fost rugat sa comenteze truismul autorial popular conform caruia personajele ficţionale pot “prelua” şi dicta autorului cursul unei povestiri. Pentru a respinge aceasta idee destul de bizara, Nabokov şi-a descris personajele ca “sclavi”. Unii critici condamna vocea existenta in unele din personajele din cartile lui Nabokov ca elitista, inumana. Concret, aceasta este o afirmaţie cu care “sclavii” sai ar fi de acord, întrucât sunt supuşi unei soarte nefericite şi ridicule, triste. Ceea ce este foarte important in cazul de fata e si faptul ca personajele sale si traseele parcurse de acestea prin lumea sahului, de exemplu, sunt descrise într-un limbaj rafinat, dar tot odata întortocheat si de ce nu? chiar comic. Distinctive, in acest context sunt cuvintele din Apararea Lujin: “Dar sahul nu cunostea mila, il tinea, il aspira. Aici era grozavia, dar tot aici si unica armonie, caci mai exista ceva pe lume in afara sahului? Ceata, necunoscut, neant …”. 1.Vladimir Nabokov, Apararea Lujin, traducere de Adriana Liciu, Editura Universal Dalsi, Chisinau, 1996, p. 114.
Unui cititor care asteapta sa i se spuna cum sa traiasca sau cum sa i se arate adevarul într-un fragment de ficţiune, complexitatea riguroasa şi nemiloasa a lui Nabokov poate parea cruda pentru ca nu ofera nimic din aceste lucruri. Unii cititori interpreteaza aparent frumuseţea prozei lui Nabokov, ca fiind cruda, şi aici exista un super rafinament, o calitate curioasa la frumusetea sa care poate fi de-a dreptul dura, pur şi simplu pentru ca arunca o întreaga infinitate de fiinte umane intr-un astfel de relief. In aceasta lume se detaşeaza intr-un mod destul de clar nimfetele, ier cea mai faimoasa, evidenta este nimeni alta decat Lolita Haze.
Ce uita a parte dintre criticii lui Nabokov este ca o anumita doza de detaşare, permite cele mai intense sentimente care nu sunt întotdeauna morale. Aceasta detaşare permite o varietate de sentimente din cele mai neprevazute şi oscilante. O persoana trista care este aşa de implicata în tristeţea ei încât o confunda cu realitatea va avea perioade grele întrucat se vede numai ca un personaj trist. Pentru el tristetea nu este un sentiment pe care îl experimenteaza, ci este chiar el. Acelasi lucru se întampla cu un scriitor complet absorbit de emoţionalitatea personajelor sale sau chiar de punctul lui de vedere. “ Dar cel mai curios in visul acesta era ca in jur parea a fi Rusia, din care insusi cel care dormea plecase cam demultisor” sau, dupa cum in urmatoare pagina, daca citim cu atentie gasim: “Intoarcerea in Rusia, Lujin o constata cu interes, cu multumire”, ceea ce demonstreaza o alta stare, de data aceasta, sa spunem, fericita. 2. Idem. pp. 109-110.
Asadar, vedem atat in personajele lui Nabokov, chiar pe autor. Nelipsita lui dorinta, poate irealizabila in aceasta viata, de a se intoarce la matca, de a reveni de unde a plecat atat de tanar.
Vladimir Nabokov – tristete, exil …
Romancier, critic rus, antrenor de tenis, traducator, Nabokov a scris atat in limba rusa, cat si in engleza. Romanul Lolita a socat, daca putem spune asa, foarte multa lume. Umorul si stilul literar aparte, inedit, au fost laudate de foarte multi critici, dar si de cititorii, care, poate si azi vorbesc de specificul prozei lui Nabokov, lucrur rar intalnit. Se vorbeste, dar la intalnirile dintre literati si cititori, chiar in Muzeul Nabokov, dupa cum o spun si afisele gasite pe siteul acestuia. (http://www.nabokovmuseum.org/). Prima versiune a povestirii, intitulata Vrajitorul, a fost scrisa la Paris in anul 1939. Vrajitorul avea ca personaj principal un barbat in varsta cam de patruzeci-cincizeci de ani, care se indragosteste de o fetita de doisprezece ani si se casatoreste cu mama acesteia, vaduva si bolnava, pentru a-si satisface dorintele erotice. Ulterior, o molesteaza pe fetita intr-un hotel de pe Riviera cand aceasta doarme, se trezeste iar ulterior el moare in accident de masina.
Nabokov s-a nascut in Petersburg, fiul lui Vladimir Dimitrievich Nabokov, un politician de factura liberala, si al Elenei Ivanovna. Vladimir a fost educat de catre profesori francezi si englezi, dat fiind faptul ca familia sa era din inalta societate a Rusiei din vremea respectiva. La varsta de 16 ani, Nabokov a mostenit o mare mosie de la fratele tatalui sau dar nu s-a bucurat prea mult de averea sa din cauza revolutiei rusesti. Imediat, familia sa a emigrat la Berlin si Vladimir Nabokov a intrat la Colegiul Trinity din Cambridge, absolvit peste 3 ani, mai exact in 1923. Tatal sau a fost ucis in 1922 de catre un fascist rus in Berlin si de atunci cuvantul Dumnezeu a disparut din textele sale, iar “singuratatea il inveselea”.
A locuit in Berlin o perioada de 15 ani si a lucrat ca translator, profesor si antrenor de tenis. A castigat aprecierea celor din jur, atat ca scriitor tanar in comunitatea rusa din Berlin la o editura importanta si la doua gazete literare de aici. In lucrarile sale timpurii, Nabokov a scris despre moarte, trecerea timpului si sentimentul neputintei. “Era o stare chinuitoare, oribila, asemanatoare acelei tristeti apasatoare care te cuprinde cand, abia trezit din somn, nu-ti poti deschide decat cu greu pleoapele lipite parca pe vecie”. 3. Vladimir Nabokov, Masenka, traducere de Adriana Liciu, Editura Albatros, 1997, p. 43. Utilizand metafore complexe, temele din scrierile lui Nabokov devin mai tarziu enigme.
Era un jucator de sah remarcabil si dupa cum jongla cu mutarile si strategiile in vederea castigarii partidei, astfel, provoaca, pe partea literei, cititorul sa se implice in joc. In cazul in care acesta (cititorul) nu este partas la jongleriile lui literare, Nabokov nu ezita sa-l sustina: “Acestia nu sunt oi”, i-a scris unui editor “si nu fiecare penita ii tenteaza”. Aceste cuvinte spun totul de modul cum stia Nabokov sa acorde credibilitate si celor care nu citesc sau care chiar stiu sa citeasca. Unii sunt buni la tenis de camp, altii la citit.

Un om pe care nu-l vom uita niciodata
Inceputul fiecarei primaveri aduce un gol in suflet pentru fiecare dintre cei care l-au cunoscut pe profesorul Emil Iordache. Rabdarea acestuia de a vorbi cu fiecare dintre noi, studenti pe atunci, 3,4 ani in urma, dar si modul cum trata problemele spinoase care se iveau la nivelul catedrei de Slavistica si nu numai, il face pe Domnul Profesor sa ramana printre noi. Interesant este faptul ca unii dintre cei care l-au cunoscut nu l-au uitat. Si mai interesant este faptul ca acestia continua sa aduca publicului cititor, prin editoriale, prin recenzii, o parte din operele traduse de prefosorul de viata, literatura, cultura si civilizatie slava. In cazul de fata, un exemplu concret este acela al lui Bogdan Cretu, profesor in cadrul Facultatii de Litere, Catedra de Limba si Literatura Romana - Univ. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". Cretu, cu aproape o luna de zile in urma, mai exact, pe 1 februarie, a scris un editorial in "Ziarul de duminica" (Suplimentul de Cultura al "Ziarului Financiar") cu trimitere la Emil Iordache. Asadar, va invit sa cititi aceste cuvinte, iar ulterior, de ce nu? sa cititi si cartile traduse de Emil Iordache. In urma acestui de mers, pentru cei care-l veti intreprinde, veti intelege ca viata este altfel.
joi, 28 februarie 2008
Character of Tatevian people. ARMENIA. EREVAN. TATEV.
Tatev is on 1600 metres from sea, from the Northwestern part Tatev is surrounded with mountain- chains and snow-covered tops. Small fast rivers are running to the Southeast. All the mountainsides and valleys have clear, pure and transparent springs, in summer they are covered with variegated flowers: the queens are narcissus and ѳñ÷³½. Tatev is surrounded with deep canyons, defiles, hills and waterfalls from the southeastern part, and it has fast falling rivers which are joined noisy Vorotan River In the distance of a kilometer from the village Tatev monastery is, the center of medieval Armenian holy culture in Syunik, built with high architectural art, surrounded with a number of historical columns and monuments.On centuries life in such a wonderful and beautiful nature, has its mark on Tatevian people way of life, character, diligence, firmness, skillfulness, ability, patriotism, physical culture and beauty.
1. Tatevian is corpulent, tall, fearless, firm, healthy and beautiful.
2. They are very diligent, know how to earn their living, to live on their toilsome work and never beg.
3. They live in a peace with neighborhood.
4. They are in a good condition with nest door; they often host each other in the evenings, have a talk, and tell tails, legends and sayings.
5. Any poor and unhappy family is always secured with people help; each district organizes a portion not to have anyone in necessity, especially in holidays.
6. Tatevian is not a speculator. They are not thrifts; there is no event in case of which Tatevian is accounted in robbery.
7. They are not pugnacious, have no habit of vengeance, and there are no event of kills each other, except a case.
8. Most of Tatevians are craftsmen, and a number of crafts which in all appearance are connected with the built of monastery.
9. Women were very skilled weavers, also carpet-makers, felt makers.
10. It seems to Tatevian must be fanatic believer in case of living so close the monastery, but it is opposite, they are not deep religious fanatic, as they saw the habits, happened in the monastery, and they reservedly refer religious dogmas.
11. Tatevians are capable, good-educated, speakers, brave, and critic, hit someone full in the face, and not used to protest to the superiors.
12. They are not eager to hold office; they are very decent in this case.
13. Tatevian is noble-minded, proud, witty, singers, playful, ready to laugh together.
14. They can sing traditional songs well, they organized competition of ox, especially at the time of carrying logs, gravestones.
15. Besides children and youths adults were organizing games, especially in ´³ñ"Ï"ݹ³Ý.
16. Tatevian is a great patriot, which was shown during the War II (1941-1945). We have a Soviet Hero: Suren Smbat Araqelyan.
Tatevian people occupation
Tatevian people occupation
Agronomy - the villagers saved wheat, rye, spring wheat, barley, spring barley, lentil, linseed, beans, and oats.The sowing was done with three-field system. Breadstuffs were gathering with sickle, but others picked up with hand. The harvest was carried from the fields to the village by asses, horses, mules, ox, even by people back from near place. Each family had barnyard and hayloft at the house. The barnyard was a level round land with 180 square meters expense. In the morning, especially women, spread the sheaf and began to thresh by ox and "KAMN". The "KAMN" was a desk, consists of two parts with 1.5 metes length, 0.80 weight, 5 centimeters thickness. The front part of it is a little inclined like a ski. The face, which must be on the stalk, is stony to break the stalk. There was a special device, which was united to the yoke. The ox was harnessed alone or couple and they were turning on the stalk carrying the "KAMN", since the wheat stalk became straw. A member of the family, especially teenager, was driving the "KAMN". After braying the stalk, the straw was gathered in the center of the barnyard to be pressed out. The main materials of the barnyard were "KAMN", yoke, the stick united to the yoke, splinter, "SMETAN", "MGHAN" besom, "TI" pitchfork and "VIRSILIN".Varies kind of sieves were used to clean the wheat. Non-bread-stuff harvest was separated from the straw with hands. The grass was collected by scythe. The sowing was done with wooden plough, which was called "Vesky" and was consists of 5-couple ox. The wooden plough had the following parts: Ploughshare.dghdfghsdfghdgfhdf? The seed was sowed on the cultivated land by hand; then it was harrowed.
Cattle rise - the villagers kept ox, cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, horse, mule, ash and hen. Essentially in winter the animals were kept in the cattle-shed near the houses, at the same time out of the village: in Tsaqut, Tzlokin valley, Gunei (sunny place), Urtukhaner and etc. (these are place names around the village). In summer, people having many animals nomad to Gzabel (Aramazd mountain), Michutu and different places, where they pitched tent.
Gardening - it wasn't so developed in Tatev. There were gardens only in Anapat (Desert on the bank of Vorotan River), where pear-tree, apple-tree, cherry-tree mulberry, nut-tree, cornel-tree and various sorts of fruit trees were planted.
Track-farming - it wasn't so mush used occupation. Only vegetable and haricot been were sowed. Potato was sowed in Tatev in 1903, according to the indication of Khrimyan Hayrik.
Professions: Profession was very developed in Tatev. Most of the villagers master all the professions. It was known not only in Armenia, but also out of it. The best craftsmen were: blacksmith, bricklayer (stone) mason, carpenter, stonecutter, weavers, dishevels, tailors.
Tateviants Steermen and Clergymen
Tateviants Steermen and Clergymen
They were Khudabakhshi, Manuchar, Rustam, Sultan, Shamkhal, Samon, and Mkrtich Orbelyans, their distance relatives: Aydiannq and Klyustanq and these last ones were called "Tshakhy" steermen as they were weak economically. Tateviants workers weren't under their subordination and never paid for taxes: Sevarants, Lor and other villages did. Once in Zangezur newspaper, kapanian Soghomon Orbelyan wrote in an article "Agreement of Gyulistan": Rusatm Bek Orbelyan, the brother of tateviants Meliq Manuchar, with his volunteers among the Russian participated in the liberation war of the mountainous villages in the region, becoming the participator of the unit of Armenia with Russia. Orbelyans brothers as oners of the liberated districts, made a great support to the Russian events. As Tateviants Meliq Manuchar made a huge support of renewing the villagers that Iranian destroyed. He helped the neighbors who had been dispelled by forced from their houses to the Iran since Russian came. He again took back the Sevarants population, who were among of his family, and helped with finacial and moral support. In spite of other regions of Eastern Armenia Syunik was under Russian subordination in 1813.
Preceptor: Qolunts Ter Stepan, Iritsnst preceptor amd Ter Simon.At first a preceptyor may be priest, and when his wife died, he was ordained as a preceptor, or he was just ordained a a preceptor and stayed st the moastery, each one had his cell and lived an amount of the monastery. The ordainment was done in Edzmiatzin.
Priest: Marunts Grand Ter Petros, Junion Ter Petros, Ter Grigor and Ter Arsen, Ulunts Ter Nikoghayos, Mrqrants Zter Hovhannes. The priest was ordained according to the people agreement. The ordainment was also done in Edzmaotzin.The priest obligation was to register the number of birth, death, and marriage in Tatev.The priests were paid no salary neither from holy nor state government. Their earning was the sum gathered at the cross-kiss (Khachhambuyr) at the birth, funeral and marriage, and at the ceremony. Besides twice a year they did home-bless: First in January and a second at barnyard. They came in and bless each house and the owner gave them wheat, oil, cheese, cleaned and cracked wheat, haricot bean and other food. They christened the babies in the church; sometimes it was done on the oven at home. The death was kept in night church.
Church clerks - Kotshants Parsin, Kostand, Yeremyan Stepan, tatunts Sargis: They participated in holy ceremonies each morning and evening with the priests as singers. They were also paid no salary. Priests gave them the part of their earning.
B. Harutyunyan translated by Lusine Harutyunyan proof-read Charlie Ihrke (Peace Corp volunteer).
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